Anime and Manga Spotlight

Need more Japanese Anime and Manga? Go behind the curtains!

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IDOLiSH7 & KING OF PRISM: Anime Idols Breaking the Boundaries of Reality

Lupin the 3rd, Detective Conan & Dr.STONE—The Studio That Keeps Stealing the Heart of Anime Fans

Baki the Grappler: A Martial Arts Manga Epic Running Strong for 30 Years

COCOLORS: Unmasking Yokoshima Toshihisa Through a Post-Apocalyptic World

JUNK HEAD Taste the Heaps of Chaos in this Dystopia

MADHOUSE: The Studio Fueling the Global Anime Craze

Gundam, Macross and the Art of Mecha Design

MAPPA x Attack on Titan: Beyond the Wall of Animation

Hayao Miyazaki, Go Behind the Hidden Secrets of His Creations

DEATH STRANDING: Hideo Kojima and the Power of "Likes"

Manben: Tezuka Osamu

From Cycling to Inking—Yowamushi Pedal and Watanabe Wataru's Artistic Journey

"Captain Tsubasa" Takahashi Yoichi-sensei's Kick Off on the Paper Horizons

The Rose Perishes Beautifully - Uncover the Elegance of The Rose of Versailles

Animation x Paralympic

Anime Supernova